Arts Dividend

In the past year Darren Henley has travelled the length and breadth of the country exploring how our arts ecology works. The Arts Dividend is full of stories from England’s flourishing arts scene from the largest civic enterprise to small arts projects in rural areas. Darren Henley argues that a sustained, strategic approach to cultural investment pays big dividends…
Fens Heritage Crafts

(Link through to the project’s own micro site via the Project->Made in the Fens tab above) (Update: I suggest you go to and search for “@redbcreative” and/or #ousewashesconference2015 to see my and other people’s comments from the day) I’ll be at the OWLP Downham Market conference on Wednesday,…
The art space is moving….
Go to for more details, but you may have noticed Horsefair is now fully occupied (which is great news for the town’s economy, not so much for me ;). However, kevin who I started the project with is as keen as I am for it to carry on and…